

Find words in A and B opposite that match these definicions

1. A file that has been included as part of an email message. Attachment files

2. Conventional mail delivered very slowly in contrast with email. The post, Snail Mail

3. Symbols used to express emoticons in an email. Smileys

4. The part of the email address that indentifies the user of the service. Username

5. The computer that provide you with mail service. Internet Service Provider

6. A facility that allows users to send and receive messages via the Internet. Electronic mail ( E-mail )

7. The part of the email where you write the information about the addresses and subject. The header

8. The part of the email address that identifies the server. The Domain Name

9. The place where your Internet Service Provider stores new mail for you. Mailbox / Inbox

Look at the main parts of an email message in B. Where would you write the information below? What additional information do the TI.Ds ( Top-Level Domains ) of the addresses give you?

1. peterswinburn@jazzfree.com ( into the header “TO”, it’s the name and address of the recipient )

2. Eleanor Richardson ( the name of Sender )


3. maryjones@arrakis.es; susanwilt@hotmail.co.uk ( into the header “CC”, it’s another addresses i.e. Mary’s mail and Susan’s Mail, if you want to copy and send message for them in the same way )

4. Plane Tickets ( into the header “SUBJECT”, it’s topic of the message )

5. Peter,

I’ve already booked the plane tickets to attend the Manager’s Conference. Mary an Susan are joining us. ( into The Body, it’s message that Eleanor Richardson want to send )

A manager is giving his colleagues some advice on how to prevent spam. Complete the sentences with the words in the box

Mailing list Spam Email Address Newsgroups Spammers

1. Never ever replay to a spam email or click on a link within the mail – this will lead to more junk mail being sent to you. Unsubscribing only confirms you do actually exist, so they’ve hit the jackpot.

2. Don’t let your email address be displayed anywhere on the Internet, including mailing list, chat rooms or any websites.

3. Never forward a spam to other people – spammers might be able to track their addresses too, and you could end up losing friends!

4. Send your emails on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis: don’t include everyone on a newsgroups, unless it is necessary.

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