

Dea Naufal Kharisma was born in Moh.Toha, Bandung in 1989. She has one sister and one brother in his family. Her brother is Rakha Abiyyu, he school in Tmn. Pagelaran Elementary school. Dea's sister is Risa Kartika. Risa school in Univercity of Padjajaran.

In 2002, she school in Four Junior high shool, than she school in Five Senior High School, after that she study in Institute of Management Telkom in Bandung, till now.

In her life, Dea didn't have any special achievement. She is just an ordinary people.

In 2012 she finished her study in Institute of Management Telkom, and she hope will be marriage wih someone in the past time. He ever fill up her heart.
After married, she hope can have some children and happy forever with her new family.


Find words in A and B opposite that match these definicions

1. A file that has been included as part of an email message. Attachment files

2. Conventional mail delivered very slowly in contrast with email. The post, Snail Mail

3. Symbols used to express emoticons in an email. Smileys

4. The part of the email address that indentifies the user of the service. Username

5. The computer that provide you with mail service. Internet Service Provider

6. A facility that allows users to send and receive messages via the Internet. Electronic mail ( E-mail )

7. The part of the email where you write the information about the addresses and subject. The header

8. The part of the email address that identifies the server. The Domain Name

9. The place where your Internet Service Provider stores new mail for you. Mailbox / Inbox

Look at the main parts of an email message in B. Where would you write the information below? What additional information do the TI.Ds ( Top-Level Domains ) of the addresses give you?

1. peterswinburn@jazzfree.com ( into the header “TO”, it’s the name and address of the recipient )

2. Eleanor Richardson ( the name of Sender )


3. maryjones@arrakis.es; susanwilt@hotmail.co.uk ( into the header “CC”, it’s another addresses i.e. Mary’s mail and Susan’s Mail, if you want to copy and send message for them in the same way )

4. Plane Tickets ( into the header “SUBJECT”, it’s topic of the message )

5. Peter,

I’ve already booked the plane tickets to attend the Manager’s Conference. Mary an Susan are joining us. ( into The Body, it’s message that Eleanor Richardson want to send )

A manager is giving his colleagues some advice on how to prevent spam. Complete the sentences with the words in the box

Mailing list Spam Email Address Newsgroups Spammers

1. Never ever replay to a spam email or click on a link within the mail – this will lead to more junk mail being sent to you. Unsubscribing only confirms you do actually exist, so they’ve hit the jackpot.

2. Don’t let your email address be displayed anywhere on the Internet, including mailing list, chat rooms or any websites.

3. Never forward a spam to other people – spammers might be able to track their addresses too, and you could end up losing friends!

4. Send your emails on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis: don’t include everyone on a newsgroups, unless it is necessary.


Describing People

1. Are your answers correct?
Dear Mr. Dadang..
My name’s Dea Naufal. I’m 19 years old. I’m from Bogor
I’m student at Institute of Management Telkom. I’m in class Accounting D.
My father’s name is Anto Irianto. He 50 years old.
My mother’s name is Kartika. She’s 45 years old.
I’ve got one brother and one sister. names are Rakha and Risa.
I’m interested in music. I’m good at music and art.In my bedroom, I’ve got a computer. I’ve also got an easel and lots of books.

2. Can you answer these questions?
1. What’s her surname? her surname is Kharisma
2. How old is she? she is 19 years old
3. Where’s she from? she is from Bogor
4. What’s the name of her school? her school is Institute of Management Telkom Bandung
5. What class is she in? her class is Accounting D
6. What’s her father’s name? her father is Anto Irianto
7. How old is he? His old is 50 years old
8. What’s her mother’s name? her mothers name is Kartika
9. How old is she? her old is 45 years old
10. How many brothers and sisters has she got? she has got one brother and one sister
11. What are their names? Their name are Rakha and Risa
12. What’s she interested in? She is interested in music
13. What isn’t she interested in? she isn't interested in computer
14. What’s she good at? She good at music and art
15. What’s she got in her bedroom? she got a computer

Please write soon. Best wishes,

Dea Naufal Kharisma

Wilma Rudolf

Wilma Rudolf was born in Clarksville,Tennessee,in 1940. There were twenty-two children in her family. Wilma was not a strong child. When she was very young, she got a disease called polio. Wilma’s leg began to have problems. Wilma’s family loved and helped her. Her mother and her sisters massaged her bad leg. The doctor put a brace on her leg for six years. One lucky day when she was twelve, the doctor took off the brace.
At high school Wilma started on run. Soon she won every race she ran. At age fifteen she prepared for the national races. She won all nine of the races. The next year, 1956, Wilma was in the Olympic games in Australia. Wilma came back with a bronze medal.
In 1960 Wilma went to the Olympic games in Italy. The weather was very hot just as it was in Tennessee. The Italians cheered her, Wilma won the 100 meter, 200 meter, and the 400 meter relay. Wilma Rudolf was the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals.
In 1963 Wilma got her degree in education. That year she married her high school sweetheart, and have four children.

A. Looking for the Main Ideas
Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. When she was young, Wilma had problems with her ____________
a. doctor
b. mother
c. leg

2. At high School Wilma _________________________
a. started to run and won every race
b. started to run with a brace
c. ran for Australia

3. In the Olympic games of 1960, Wilma _______________________
a. won a bronze medal
b. won three gold medal
c. won because she was a woman

B. Looking for Details
Circle T if the sentence is true. Circle F if the sentence is false.

1. Wilma was a strong child. F
2. Wilma had a brace on her leg for twelve years. F
3. When she was fifteen, she ran for the national races. T
4. In 1956 the Olympic games were in Italy. F
5. Wilma won three gold medals in 1960. T
6. Wilma got married in 1963. T
(source: WIT, p.128)


Tugas PMB

1. Apakah empat tujuan utama penetapan sasaran dalam suatu organisasi?

2. Sebutkan dan jelasakan tiga tahap dasar perumusan strategi?

3. Hubungkan lima keahlian manajemen dengan empat aktivitas dalam proses manajemen. Contohnya, keahlian mana yang paling penting dalam proses pengarahan (directing)?

4. Identifikasikan manajer berdasarkan tingkatan dan bidangnya pada sekolah, akademi, atau universitas anda?

5. Jenis perusahaan apa yang keahlian teknis manajemen puncaknya lebih penting daripada keterampilan hubungan manusia atau keahlian konseptual? Apakah ada organisasi yang keahlian konseptualnya tidak penting?

6. Perbedaan apa yang mungkin anda temukan dalam budaya perusahaan manufaktur berumur 100 tahun di Northeast dan perusahaan e-commerce berumur setahun yang didirikan di Silicon Valley?

1. Tujuan utama dari penetapan sasaran adalah
a) Penetapan tujuan memberikan arah dan panduan bagi para manajer di semua tingkatan
b) Penetapan tujuan membantu perusahaan mengalokasikan sumber dayanya
c) Penetapan tujuan membantu menetapkan korporasi
d) Penetapan tujuan membantu manajer menilai kinrjanya

2. Tahap dasar perumusan strategi adalah
a) Menetapkan tujuan strategis
Tujuan strategis merupakan tujuan jangka panjang yang langsung berasal dari pernyataan misi suatu perusahaan.

b) Menganalisis organisasi dan lingkungannya
Analisis organisasi adalah analisis yang dilakukan untuk lebih mengerti kekuatan dan kelemahan suatu perusahaan. Analisis lingkungan melibatkan pengamatan dan penilaian lingkungan bagi ancaman dan peluang.

c) Menyesuaikan organisasi dengan lingkungannya
Langkah terakhir dalam perumusan strategi adalah menyesuaikan ancaman lingkungan dengan kesempatan terhadap kekuatan dan kelemahan suatu perusahaan. Proses penyesuaian merupakan pusat dari perumusan strategi. Hal ini merupakan dasar bagi keberhasilan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan bisnis.

3. Empat keahlian yang diperlukan seorang manajer adalah keahlian konseptual, keahlian teknis, keahlian hubungan dengan manusia dan keahlian mengelola waktu. Sedangkan proses manajemen ada lima, yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan. keahlian tersebut dengan proses manajemen tentunya saling berkaitan.
a) Perencanaan
Proses perencanaan adalah proses manajemen yang menetapkan apa yang harus dilakukan oleh suatu organisasi dan bagaimana tindakan nyatanya. Dalam proses ini diperlukan keahlian konseptual, karna dalam proses perencanaan diperlukan pemikiran yang abstarak dan matang, agar perencanaan dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan nyatanya.

b) Pengorganisasian
Proses pengorganisasian adalah proses maanjemen yang menetapkan cara terbaik dalam mengatur sumber daya dan aktivitas suatu organisasi menjadi suatu struktur yang logis. Pada proses ini, top manajer memegang peranan penting. Oleh karena itu, sangat diperlukan keahlian konseptual dan keahlian hubungan manusia.

c) Pengarahan
Proses pengarahan adalah proses manajemen dalam memandu dan memotivasi karyawan untuk mencapai sasaran suatu organisasi. Fungsi ini menyangkut mengintegrasikan berbagai unit yang berbeda. Karena pengarahan adalah proses memandu dan memotivasi, seorang manajer haruslah memiliki keahlian hubungan manusia yang baik agar dapat mengerti dan dimengerti oleh orang lain.

d) Pengawasan
Proses pengawasan adalah proses manajemen dalam memonitor kinerja suatu organisasi untuk menjamin bahwa tujuannya dapat tercapai. Dalam proses ini, diperlukan keahlian mengelola waktu dan hubungan manusia yang baik agar segala tujuan dapat dicapai dengan mudah diiringi olek kerjasama yang kuat.

4. Tingkatan manajer dalam Universitas
a) Top manager
Di suatu Universitas, yang berperan sebagai top manager adalah Rektor.

b) Middle manager
Di suatu Universitas, yang berperan sebagai middle manager yaitu, direktur progam sarjana, direktur program pasca sarjana, ketua program studi, dekan.

c) Lower manager
Di suatu Universitas, yang berperan sebagai lower manager adalah dosen, staff, dan karyawan lainnya.

5. Perusahaan yang keahlian teknis manajemen puncaknya lebih penting daripada keterampilan hubungan manusia atau konseptual yaitu perusahaan jasa, contohnya servis komputer. Dala perusahaan ini, tentunya leterampilan teknis sangat diperlukan dari keterampilan lainnya karna produk yang dijual-belikan adalah sesuatu yang tidak berwujud yaitu jasa dari seseorang yang mampu memperbaiki komputer.

Sedangkan pada pertanyaan berikutnya, menurut saya semua perusahaan pasti menggunakan keterampilan konseptual, akan tetapi prioritasnya yang mungkin berbeda. Itu semua tergantung dengan jenis perusahaannya.

6. Menurut saya, dari kedua perusahaan tersebut jelas ada perbedannya. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa yang "lebih lama adalah yang paling kuat". Budaya korporasi suatu perusahaan terdiri dari pengalaman, kisah, keyakinan, dan norma-norma yang mencirikan suatu organisasi. Hal-hal yang mempengaruhi budaya korporasi adalah nilai-nilai (values), sejarah, kisah-kisah, legenda juga pengalaman bersama yang sudah melekat dihati.
Menurut saya, Pada perusahaan manufaktur yang telah berumur 100 tahun di Northeast tentu lebih berpengalaman dan lebih kuat dibanding dengan perusahaan e-commerce yang baru berumur setahun yang didirikan di Silicon Valley.
Dilihat dari sepak terjangnya perusahaan yang telah berumur 100 tahun, pasti telah banyak keberhasilan dan kegagalan yang telah dilaluinya, susah-senangnya, tumbuh-kembangnya perusahaan, carut-marutnya kondisi keuangan perusahaan tersebut. Hal-hal yang mungkin terkadang tidak pernah kita pikirkan dapat menjadi hal yang sangat penting dan tidak dapat dilupakan itulah yang menjadi penguat untuk lebih majunya suatu perusahaan. Sedangkan perusahaan yang baru berumur 1tahun mungkin baru berjuang untuk menghadapi segala rintangan dan resiko dari perusahaan tersebut. Jadi budaya yang diterapkan dalam kedua perusahaan tersebut tentunya aka berbeda.


English Exercises

1. It’s not easy for casual observer to distinguish . genuine paintings and copies.

(A) between

(B) therefore

(C) for

(D) to

2. , all matter is formed of molecules.

(A) It doesn’t matter if the complex

(B) No matter how complex

(C) How complex is not a matter

(D) It’s not a complex matter

3. After World War I, automobiles, buses, trucks became the most common .

(A) of transportation

(B) transport form

(C) forms of transportation

(D) transportation of form

4. Tears anger and tensions naturally.

(A) are relieved

(B) relieving

(C) relieve

(D) what they relieve

5. In a single day are as many as thousands of people involved in business deals in one area.

(A) yet

(B) they

(C) ever

(D) there

6. Paper from cellulose fibers.

(A) is produced

(B) producing

(C) produced

(D) which is produced

7. an insurance agent it is necessary to pass the state examination.

(A) Become

(B) To became

(C) Having become

(D) One becomes

8. There are art galleries in the city of Carmel

(A) a great deal

(B) many

(C) much

(D) lots

9. One difficulty at night is limited vision

(A) to drive

(B) will drive

(C) with driving

(D) be driven

10. the Pulitzer Prize in 1924

(A) Edna Ferber won

(B) When Edna Ferber won

(C) With Edna Ferber’s winning

(D) Edna Ferber’s winning

11. All of the world carry on breeding experiments to increase yield or to improve disease resistance.

(A) countries that grow wheat

(B) growth of wheat countries

(C) wheat–producing countries

(D) countries where wheat is grown

12. Throughout the United States fast food restaurants where hamburgers are served.

(A) there are

(B) there is

(C) located

(D) are there

13. The human body contains water , bones, and muscles.

(A) is blood

(B) in its blood

(C) is in its blood

(D) it is in its blood

14. covered by the sea, which occupies 71 percent of the earth.

(A) A huge unknown world is

(B) An huge the unknown world

(C) How huge the unknown world

(D) So huge is the unknown world

15. In his painting “The Three Musicians” Picasso reached a climax in his use geometric forms.

(A) to

(B) of

(C) on

(D) with


1. Grammar

1. Here are the past participles of some verbs. Write the infinitive.

visited visit seen ______ taken_____

eaten eat met _____ driven_____

drunk _____ cooked _____ lived _____

stayed _____ flown _______ bought_____

won _____ written ______ had_____

made _____ sent _____ done _____

Which are the four regular verbs?

What is the Past Simple form of the irregular verbs?

2 Tell your teacher about Roger and answer your teacher’s questions.

He’s lived in a foreign country.


One year.

Which country did he live in?

How long did he live there?

He’s lived in a foreign country.

Which country did he live in?

How long did he live there?

Have you ever lived in a foreign country?

Which country did you live in?


poems for my dad

I’m Happy You’re My Dad

I feel safe when you are with me;
You show me fun things to do;
You make my life much better;
The best father I know is you.
I’m happy you’re my Dad
And so I want to say
I love you, Dad, and wish you
A Happy Father’s Day!